Trademark Renewals

Federally registered trademarks must be periodically renewed with the USPTO to remain active.

As a trademark client, we will calendar future renewals in our trademark docketing system and notify you when they are due so that your business doesn’t miss a deadline. We currently subscribe to DocketTrak and provide this service free of charge to clients. DocketTrak includes a trademark watch service that scans all USPTO Trademark applications and detects matches to trademark registrations. It also detects when the USPTO has determined that an application is confusingly similar to a docketed trademark registration or pending application. If we receive an alert from DocketTrak, we will notify you of any concerns.

Trademark Renewal Filings required- Five Year Mark

Around the fifth year after trademark registration, the USPTO requires a Section 8 Declaration of Use filing.

A trademark owner must file a Section 8 Declaration of Use between the fifth and sixth year after registration. A trademark registration may also be eligible for Incontesability status.  The Section 15 Declaration of Incontestability is optional but recommended in most cases to provide additional safeguards to protect the trademark.

Trademark Renewal Filings required- Ten Year Mark

A trademark owner must file a Section 8 Declaration of Use and a Section 9 Renewal Application between the ninth and tenth years after registration and every ten years after that.

Contact use for assistance maintaining your company's trademark registrations .

Trademark Renewals

$ 345 single class $395 for multiple classes
  • $425/per class for a combined Section 8 Declaration of Use and Section 15 Declaration of Incontestability (if applicable)
  • $525/per class for a combined Section 8 Declaration of Use and Section 9 Renewal
Click here for a full list of USPTO Fees