Legal Fees

Trademark Service

Legal Fee

Trademark Registrations


Initial Trademark Consultation


Federal Trademark Application:

1.    Trademark Search, and

2.    File trademark application with the USPTO

$1,250 (plus USPTO Filing Fee)


(minus any Initial Consultation Fee)

Secondary Federal Trademark Applications (similar to a previously filed trademark)

$495 (plus UPSTO filing fee)

Trademark Clearance Search

Hourly or capped at $625 per mark

File Statement to Allege Use for Mark

$175 per mark (plus USPTO filing fee)

File Extension for Statement to Allege Use of Mark

$125 per mark (plus USPO filing fee)

Trademark Renewals


File Combined Declaration of Use and Incontestability under Sections 8 & 15 for Mark with USPTO

$395 each mark (plus USPTO filing fee)

File combined Declaration of Use and Renewal under Sections 8 & 9 for Mark with USPTO

$395 each mark (plus USPTO filing fee)

Trademark Assignment (Draft and file with USPTO)

Hourly (plus USPTO filing fee)

Substantive Office Actions


USPTO Filing Fees

Trademark Application, per Class


Customized Description of Service


Statement of Use (“SOU”), per class


Request for six-month extension for filing SOU, per class


Trademark Section 8 Declaration, per class


Trademark Section 8 Declaration grace period fee


Section 15 Declaration, per class


Combined Section 8 and Section 15 Declarations, per class


Combined Section 8 and Section 15 Declarations, during grace period, per class


Combined Section 8 and Section 9 Renewals, per class


Combined Section 8 and Section 9 Renewals, during grace period, per class


Amending registration for other than adding a disclaimer


Recording Trademark Assignment, first mark per document


Recording Trademark Assignment, second, and subsequent marks in the same document


TTAB Petition for Cancellation per class


TTAB Notification of Opposition per class


Presentation Copy Certificate Initial Application


Certified Copy Trademark Registration Certificate
