Legal Fees
Trademark Service | Legal Fee |
Trademark Registrations |
Initial Trademark Consultation | $195 |
Federal Trademark Application: 1. Trademark Search, and 2. File trademark application with the USPTO | $1,250 (plus USPTO Filing Fee)
(minus any Initial Consultation Fee) |
Secondary Federal Trademark Applications (similar to a previously filed trademark) | $495 (plus UPSTO filing fee) |
Trademark Clearance Search | Hourly or capped at $625 per mark |
File Statement to Allege Use for Mark | $175 per mark (plus USPTO filing fee) |
File Extension for Statement to Allege Use of Mark | $125 per mark (plus USPO filing fee) |
Trademark Renewals |
File Combined Declaration of Use and Incontestability under Sections 8 & 15 for Mark with USPTO | $395 each mark (plus USPTO filing fee) |
File combined Declaration of Use and Renewal under Sections 8 & 9 for Mark with USPTO | $395 each mark (plus USPTO filing fee) |
Trademark Assignment (Draft and file with USPTO) | Hourly (plus USPTO filing fee) |
Substantive Office Actions | Hourly |
USPTO Filing Fees
Trademark Application, per Class | $350 |
Customized Description of Service | $200 |
Statement of Use (“SOU”), per class | $150 |
Request for six-month extension for filing SOU, per class | $125 |
Trademark Section 8 Declaration, per class | $325 |
Trademark Section 8 Declaration grace period fee | $100 |
Section 15 Declaration, per class | $250 |
Combined Section 8 and Section 15 Declarations, per class | $575 |
Combined Section 8 and Section 15 Declarations, during grace period, per class | $675 |
Combined Section 8 and Section 9 Renewals, per class | $650 |
Combined Section 8 and Section 9 Renewals, during grace period, per class | $850 |
Amending registration for other than adding a disclaimer | $100 |
Recording Trademark Assignment, first mark per document | $40 |
Recording Trademark Assignment, second, and subsequent marks in the same document | $25 |
TTAB Petition for Cancellation per class | $600 |
TTAB Notification of Opposition per class | $600 |
Presentation Copy Certificate Initial Application | $25 |
Certified Copy Trademark Registration Certificate | $15 |
With our experience in franchise and trademark law, we are well-versed in handling your company’s legal needs, allowing you to concentrate on growing your business.