Trademark Registration

Fixed Fee Trademark Registrations

We have successfully registered hundreds of trademark applications.  By registering a trademark that uniquely identifies your business, you can prevent competitors from using a similar brand and enjoy the benefits of exclusive rights to the trademark in the United States.  Registering a trademark helps prevent confusion and strengthens your position in a trademark infringement action.  The earlier you register, the better your trademarks will be protected from those who might try to copy you.

Trademark Registration Services

Trademark Registration Process

Click on each step to learn about the trademark registration process.

For new clients, the first step in the trademark process is to schedule an initial consultation.  

An initial consultation can save you hundreds of dollars and from making critical errors in applying for a trademark application that will not be successful.

During the trademark consultation we will discuss:

  1. The types of trademark applications and the requirements for filing and obtaining a trademark registration;
  2. The strengths and weaknesses of your proposed trademark;
  3. Potential obstacles to trademark registration; and
  4. Recommendations for moving forward with your proposed trademark.

If you are a new small business, the initial consultation will provide you with information to help you develop a strong brand strategy.

You can schedule a consultation by filling out this form and paying a $195 consultation fee (the consultation fee is applied to the total cost of a trademark filing). 

We request that you fill out initial information about your trademark so we can come prepared to your consultation after already conducting a quick “knock out” search of your trademark.

After your consultation, we will conduct a US Trademark Search:  using various search such as CompMark. 

We will review Federal and accessible state trademark registrations and look for other common law uses as well.  

We conduct a trademark search before filing any trademark application.  

You may also decide to order a more comprehensive Third-Party or International search.  The fees for a third party search vary depending on the depth and analysis required.  If a third-party search is required for your business, we will provide a quote after our initial consultation.  

We will review the results of your trademark search with you and discuss any potential conflicts or issues that may arise when filing for your trademark application.  We may discuss brand strategies and other options for moving forward.  If you have any other questions relating to your trademark application or the trademark process we will answer them before moving forward.  

If you decide not to move forward with the trademark application after we conduct our trademark search, we will refund you $625 if you prepaid the full trademark registration fee. 

We will work with you to put together the appropriate materials for your trademark application.  We will review your website, marketing, and product packaging for any potential issues and to find an appropriate specimen to submit with your trademark application.  We will also review how best to describe your goods or services to avoid any objections from the USPTO.