
Trademark Application, TEAS Plus, per Class


Trademark Application, TEAS Standard, per class


Statement of Use (“SOU”), per class


Request for six-month extension for filing SOU, per class


Trademark Renewal Section 9 Registration, per class


Trademark Renewal Section 9 Registration application grace period fee


Trademark Section 8 Declaration, per class


Trademark Section 8 Declaration grace period fee


Section 15 Declaration, per class


Combined Section 8 and Section 15 Declarations, per class


Combined Section 8 and Section 15 Declarations, during grace period, per class


Combined Section 8 and Section 9 Renewals, per class


Combined Section 8 and Section 9 Renewals, during grace period, per class


Amending registration for other than adding a disclaimer


Recording Trademark Assignment, first mark per document


Recording Trademark Assignment, second, and subsequent marks in the same document


TTAB Petition for Cancellation per class


TTAB Notification of Opposition per class


Presentation Copy Certificate Initial Trademark Application (After June 7,2022)


Certified Copy Trademark Registration Certificate


*We may charge a 3% Service Fee for payments made to use for trademark filing fees paid for with a credit card.